Job Report Geologists and Geophysicists
Published 1994
Mascor Publishing Co.
P.O. Box 8308
Silver Spring, MD 20907
Nature of the Work
Geologists and geophysicists study the physical aspects and history of the earth. They analyze information collected through seismic prospecting, which involves bouncing sound waves off deeply buried rock layers; examine surface rocks and samples of buried rocks recovered by drilling; and study information collected by satellites. They also identify rocks, minerals, and fossils, conduct geological surveys, construct maps, and use instruments such as the gravimeter and magnetometer to measure the earth's gravity and magnetic field. An important application of geological research is locating oil, natural gas, and minerals.
Geologists and geophysicists examine chemical and physical properties of specimens in laboratories under controlled temperature and pressure. They may study fossil remains of animal and plant life or experiment with the flow of water and oil through rocks. Laboratory equipment used includes instruments such s the X-ray diffractometer, which determines the crystal structure of minerals, and the petrographic microscope, used for close study of rock and sediment samples.
Besides locating natural resources and working in laboratories, geologists and geophysicists also advise construction companies and government agencies on the suitability of proposed locations for buildings, dams, or highways. Some administer and manage research and exploration programs.
The fields of geology and geophysics are closely related but there are some major differences. Geologists study the composition, structure, and history of the earth's crust. They try to find out how rocks were formed and what has happened to them since their formation. Geophysicists use the principles of physics and mathematics to study the earth's internal composition, surface, and atmosphere and also various forces such as its magnetic, electrical, and gravitational fields.
Geologists and geophysicists usually specialize. Geological oceanographers study the ocean bottom. They collect information using remote sensing devices aboard ships or sometimes from underwater research craft. Physical oceanographers study the physical aspects of oceans such as their currents and their interaction with the atmosphere. Geochemical oceanographers study the chemical composition, dissolved elements, and nutrients of oceans. Although biological scientists who study ocean life sometimes are called oceanographers (as well as marine biologists), the work they do is related to biology rather than geology or geophysics. Hydrologists study the distribution, circulation, and physical properties of underground and surface waters. They may study the form and intensity of precipitation, its rate of infiltration into the soil, and its return to the ocean and atmosphere. Mineralogists analyze and classify minerals and precious stones according to composition and structure. Paleontologists study fossils found in geological formations to trace the evolution of plant and animal life. Seismologists interpret data from seismographs and other instruments which measure small movements of the earth to locate earthquakes and earthquake faults. Stratigraphers study the distribution and arrangement of sedimentary rock layers by examining their fossil and mineral content. Meteorologists sometimes are classified as geophysical scientists.
Working Conditions
Most geologists and geophysicists divide their time between fieldwork and office or laboratory work. While in the field, geologists often travel to remote sites by helicopter or jeep and cover large areas by foot. Exploration geologists and geophysicists often work overseas or in remote areas, and geological and physical oceanographers may spend considerable time at sea. When not working outdoors, geologists are in offices and laboratories.
Geologists and geophysicists held over 44,000 jobs in 1990. In addition, about 8,500 persons held geology, geophysics, and oceanography faculty positions in colleges and universities.
About 4 in 10 were in oil and gas companies or oil and gas field service firms, many of which are involved in oil and gas exploration. Many other geologists worked for business service and consulting firms, which often provide services to oil and gas companies. About 1 geologists in 10 was self-employed, most were consultants to industry or government.
The Federal Government employed almost 6,500 geologists, geophysicists, oceanographers, and hydrologists in 1990. Three-fifths worked for the Department of the Interior in the U.S. Geological Survey, the Bureau of Mines, and the Bureau of Reclamation. Others worked for the Departments of Defense, Agriculture, and Commerce. State agencies also employ geologists and geophysicists; some work for State geological surveys and State departments of conservation. Geologists and geophysicists also work for nonprofit research institutions and museums. Some are employed by American firms overseas for varying periods of time.
Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement
A bachelor's degree in geology or geophysics is adequate for entry into some lower level geology jobs, but better jobs with good advancement potential usually require at least a master's degree in geology or geophysics. Persons with strong backgrounds in physics, mathematics, or computer science also may qualify for some geophysics jobs. A Ph. D. degree is essential for most research positions.
Over 500 colleges and universities offer a bachelor's degree in geology or geophysics. Other programs offering training for beginning geophysicists include geophysical technology, geophysical engineering, geophysical prospecting, engineering geology, petroleum geology, and geodesy. In addition, more than 270 universities award advanced degrees in geology or geophysics.
Geologists and geophysicists need to be able to work as part of a team. They should be curious, analytical, and able to communicate effectively. Those involved in fieldwork must have physical stamina.
Geologists and geophysicists usually begin their careers in field exploration or as research assistants in laboratories. They are given more difficult assignments as they gain experience. Eventually they may be promoted to project leader, program manager, or other management and research positions.
Job Outlook
Employment of geologists and geophysicists is expected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations through the year 2000. In the past, most jobs for geologists and geophysicists are in or related to the petroleum industry. This industry has greatly reduced exploration activities because of the recent drop in the price of oil. Steady prices for petroleum and energy conservation will make for little or no growth in petroleum industry employment through the 1980's. However, because new sources of oil and gas must be found eventually, exploration activities should increase by 1995. When this occurs, employment should grow and job opportunities should greatly improve. Furthermore, even with little employment growth, many openings will arise each year to replace geologists and geophysicists who transfer to other occupations or leave the occupation for other reasons.
Geologists and geophysicists who have knowledge and experience in geophysical oil and gas exploration techniques will have better employment opportunities than others. Also, more geologists, especially those with advanced degrees, will be needed to conduct environmentally related research.
Surveys by the College Placement Council indicate that graduates with bachelor's degrees in physical and earth sciences received an average starting offer of $22,100 a year in 1990.
According to a 1990 American Geological Institute survey, geologists, geochemists and other earth scientists earned about $52,000, and geophysicists, $55,100 a year. However, this survey includes a high proportion of managers; nonsupervisory geologists and geophysicists earn somewhat less.
In the Federal Government in 1990, geologists and geophysicists having a bachelor's degree could begin at $16,400 or $20,300 a year depending on their college records. Those having a master's degree could start at $20,300 or $24,800 a year, those having the Ph.D. degree, at $30,000 or $35,900. In 1990, the average salary for geologists in the Federal Government was about $41,800 a year and for geophysicists, about $45,700 a year.
Related Occupations
Many geologists and geophysicists work in the petroleum and natural gas industry. This industry also employs many other workers who are involved in the scientific and technical aspects of petroleum and natural gas exploration and extraction, including drafters, engineering technicians, science technicians, petroleum engineers, and surveyors. Also related to the work of geologists and geophysicists are other physical science occupations such as physicists, chemists, and meteorologists, as well as mathematicians, computer scientists, and cartographers.
Sources of Additional Information
Information on training and career opportunities for geologists is available from:
American Geological Institute, 4220 King St., Alexandria, VA 22302.
Information on training and career opportunities for geophysicists is available from:
American Geophysical Union, 2000 Florida Ave. NW., Washington, D.C. 20009.
Society of Exploration Geophysicists, P.O. Box 70240, Tulsa, Okla. 74170.
For information on Federal Government careers, contact:
U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 1900 E St. NW., Washington, D.C. 20415.
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